Sunday, December 06, 2009


Well it is Day 2 AFB. I'm going to try to share myself and my life through this blog (in a hopefully increasingly cogent and helpful manner) and the rest of my Internet activities in a way that is more meaningful than would be possible through facebook.

I should at least say why I left (at a time when it seems everyone is joining):
  • It compartmentalizes the Internet. I want people to be connected to each other through the whole web, not just one site that controls what you can say and how you can say it.
  • It has become overloaded with commonality. I care about many of my facebook friends, but I don't care about what they're currently eating or who they're currently out with. Or that they've got a head cold (or a mild case of the swine flu). Or that they're off to lose several grand in Vegas.
  • On the other end of the spectrum, people share way too personal information about themselves. Keep that for your BFFs.
  • Nuff said:


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