Sunday, December 06, 2009

Still Up in the Air

I just came from Up in the Air. Fabulous movie. I may be biased, since in this just world that movie was made specifically for me, but I think it was the best movie I have ever seen. I perhaps am understating how much I appreciated the film, it made me look at life in an entirely different way. Which is what great art should do (not that I want to say Hollywood has ever created great art).

This blog is a story, as any rehashing must be. Part of this story is about a girl. There is more about that, but not for now. However, I did want to republish the following poem. It was about her, of course. She has read it and I don't think she realized it was about her. But it is past and therefore prologue and will suffice for now.
Capture Your Thoughts

If only I could find, capture the thought,
Your happy smile quickens in me a start
Down lanes unimaginable, trysts ought
To be so powerful to stop your heart.

To capture love’s first kiss;
Pour lightning through a string,
Find serendipity,
In thunder’s echoed ring.

And as such thoughts electrify my grasp,
Eve’ as your happy hair alit my reach,
It’s to my beating heart, opened, I clasp
The fires my wall my calm my soul do breach.

To grasp eternal love;
The storm’s great majesty,
O’er breaking tidal wave,
All nature’s pageantry.

And then it’s left, my soul in such sad vice,
Those thoughts cheapened by time. Your happy brow
Is furled into the world of your advice.
And we will both clearly, in time, see now.

To speak love’s last goodbye;
The wisp in cloudless sky,
Last rustle on the moor,
Or everlasting sigh.

And happiness resurrected anew
Pon happy talk and true beauty and mirth.
Deaths that our perfection will throw askew,
Not deed or word but thought without such dearth.

To roil, love resurgent;
The storms, the skies, fling rain,
To gentle streams that wash
Out devastating pain.

-Daniel Holzer
January 7, 2009
And now is the proper point for a mission statement. For this blog, and my life. My goal is two-fold. The first is to make just one person, out there somewhere, genuinely happy as a result of my writing. The second is to create a world where everyone is happy without pharmaceuticals and without religion. I have a feeling the second part will be easier.


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