Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Capital Gains

The SEC has suggested adjusting the amount of one's investment in Bernie Madoff fraud to allow older investors to get a boost in the "cash in" of their account to count not just cash they actually invested but what the cash would have grown to had it been growing along with inflation.

This is an excellent idea that should be utilized more broadly. If a hypothetical security has stayed at $100 from 1998 through 2008 and then shot up to $1000 in 2009, an investor who holds it from 1998 through 2009 has not made the same return as someone who held it since 2008 but both will be taxed the same amount. Of course, the logistics of adjusting basis every year is daunting (although it could easily be done by brokerage firms for investments held in brokerage accounts). Also, adjustments for inflation is probably inappropriate. Some risk free rate of return should be used, perhaps based on some a term treasury rate (maybe the yield on 90-day day treasuries at the midpoint of each quarter). Any amount above their basis would be treated as what it is: ordinary income, above the risk free return they are entitled to on their asset.

Exam 1 of 2

Sitting in class waiting to take the first of my two exams (the second is on Friday). I can barely contain myself.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Wow, just wow.

This is getting good. Mark Cuban never disappoints on the entertainment front.

Still Feels Good to be Off Facebook

That site sucks all the humanity out of the Internet. And what a waste of time all those apps are. This is a much better waste of time.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Please tell me

when I'll stop going to facebook every time I sit down in front of my computer.

Still Up in the Air

I just came from Up in the Air. Fabulous movie. I may be biased, since in this just world that movie was made specifically for me, but I think it was the best movie I have ever seen. I perhaps am understating how much I appreciated the film, it made me look at life in an entirely different way. Which is what great art should do (not that I want to say Hollywood has ever created great art).

This blog is a story, as any rehashing must be. Part of this story is about a girl. There is more about that, but not for now. However, I did want to republish the following poem. It was about her, of course. She has read it and I don't think she realized it was about her. But it is past and therefore prologue and will suffice for now.
Capture Your Thoughts

If only I could find, capture the thought,
Your happy smile quickens in me a start
Down lanes unimaginable, trysts ought
To be so powerful to stop your heart.

To capture love’s first kiss;
Pour lightning through a string,
Find serendipity,
In thunder’s echoed ring.

And as such thoughts electrify my grasp,
Eve’ as your happy hair alit my reach,
It’s to my beating heart, opened, I clasp
The fires my wall my calm my soul do breach.

To grasp eternal love;
The storm’s great majesty,
O’er breaking tidal wave,
All nature’s pageantry.

And then it’s left, my soul in such sad vice,
Those thoughts cheapened by time. Your happy brow
Is furled into the world of your advice.
And we will both clearly, in time, see now.

To speak love’s last goodbye;
The wisp in cloudless sky,
Last rustle on the moor,
Or everlasting sigh.

And happiness resurrected anew
Pon happy talk and true beauty and mirth.
Deaths that our perfection will throw askew,
Not deed or word but thought without such dearth.

To roil, love resurgent;
The storms, the skies, fling rain,
To gentle streams that wash
Out devastating pain.

-Daniel Holzer
January 7, 2009
And now is the proper point for a mission statement. For this blog, and my life. My goal is two-fold. The first is to make just one person, out there somewhere, genuinely happy as a result of my writing. The second is to create a world where everyone is happy without pharmaceuticals and without religion. I have a feeling the second part will be easier.

Fall Photos

I have put up photos from Pomfret and Quogue this fall.

Requiem for the Dollar

This weekend's Weekend Journal led off with a story about the death of the Dollar. In some respects, the reports of the Dollar's death are greatly exaggerated. The Euro could be a rival reserve currency but is not in a position to supplant the Dollar. The Yuan cannot be a reserve currency until the Chinese loosen currency controls. And the SDRs issued by the IMF are likely to end in disaster if the IMF attempts to act like a central bank. However, the article does give a persuasive argument for why the long term outlook for the Dollar is so grim.

The article ends with a call to arms:
So our Martian would be mystified and our honored dead distressed. And we, the living? We are none too pleased ourselves. At least, however, being alive, we can begin to set things right. The thing to do, I say, is to restore the nets to the tennis courts of money and finance. Collateralize the dollar—make it exchangeable into something of genuine value. Get the Fed out of the price-fixing business. Replace Ben Bernanke with a latter-day Thomson Hankey. Find—cultivate—battalions of latter-day Hellmans and set them to running free-market banks. There's one more thing: Return to the statute books Section 19 of the 1792 Coinage Act, but substitute life behind bars for the death penalty. It's the 21st century, you know. [emphasis added]
James Grant, the author of the article, writes nostalgically of the gold standard but does not advocate (in this piece at least) a return to the gold standard, which he states is similarly flawed in practice. I am in agreement that fiat currency was a failed experiment, and that there should be some tangible backing to our currency. However, I am not a fan of gold: it can be touched but besides jewelry and a few commercial applications it has no real value either. My collateral of choice is slightly less tangible but of utmost value: energy. Money would be printed at the point of production of energy, whether that would be the right to receive electrical power on a certain grid, or coal, firewood or petroleum products. The specifics would need to be worked out; the ability to print money would need to be regulated and standardized. But in the end our currency would be (in theory at least, sort of like the gold standard) convertible into something with real value.

Eventually, as we move beyond a carbon-based energy system I can envision a blurring of the line between the transmission of energy and information. At some point I think bandwidth will become as valuable, maybe even more valuable, than energy itself.


Well it is Day 2 AFB. I'm going to try to share myself and my life through this blog (in a hopefully increasingly cogent and helpful manner) and the rest of my Internet activities in a way that is more meaningful than would be possible through facebook.

I should at least say why I left (at a time when it seems everyone is joining):
  • It compartmentalizes the Internet. I want people to be connected to each other through the whole web, not just one site that controls what you can say and how you can say it.
  • It has become overloaded with commonality. I care about many of my facebook friends, but I don't care about what they're currently eating or who they're currently out with. Or that they've got a head cold (or a mild case of the swine flu). Or that they're off to lose several grand in Vegas.
  • On the other end of the spectrum, people share way too personal information about themselves. Keep that for your BFFs.
  • Nuff said: